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SaveSAwine is an Non-Profit initiative to promote the South African Winelands and South African Wine.


The #SaveSAwine campaign on Facebook was created towards the end of July 2020 by Winelands Podcast “About The Winelands”, as a result of the initial launch of #SaveSAwine by Wineland Media, and has since reached millions of people worldwide via Social Media as well as mentions in the traditional press. This awareness resulted in a direct increase of consumption of South African wine all over the world. The large number of images of support posted in the @SaveSAwine Facebook group bears testimony to this and many international retailers and wine merchants have reported an increase in the sale of South African wine. Furthermore our members have directly supported the industry by purchasing wine online while patiently waiting for delivery until after the ban ends. This can be seen as a tremendous “crowdfunding” effort which alleviated the cash flow of many producers enabling them to continue their businesses and importantly to help them to meet payroll and other expenses.

Erica Taylor (@Uncorkified) spearheaded the #60in60 campaign to introduce the world to 60 South African Wine Producers in 60 Days. Another initiative, The #SaveSAWine + Robinson & Sinclair Mural Project was launched 3 December 2020 in Cape Town. Artist Waynebks of Baz-Art painted our homage to the South African Wine Industry opposite the Robinson & Sinclair Wine Shop on Loop Street. Read More here
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